Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Am I Living in a Sitcom?

The other week I got so mad over something I could not speak words. I was just "fuck the fucking fuckity fucker fucks fuck fucking fuckity fuck."

Seriously. I could not remember any words other than various forms of the word "fuck".

My life is just one redundant moment after another. Irony around every turn. A movie quote for every character. I am completely clueless about the next scene. And I really feel like the whole world knows whats going on and is wondering why I can't figure it out. Nothing really fits either. A character this week, may be completely different next week. And everyone is scratching their head going, "Wait a minute, in last week's episode that person was nice, why is he/she such an asshat/bitch this week?" "When did that person stop talking to everyone?" "How come we are seeing this character that disappeared a season and a half ago?"

And I could go on and on and on. But I won't because I'm pretty sure that little habit of mine pisses people off. :/

I have brought this little subject up with my daughter once, and a few days later something weird happened and she said "No wonder you think you are living in a sitcom!" Perhaps if I just keep laughing at myself the whole thing won't seem so ridiculous.

1 comment:

Xmichra said...

well... it's commical that you live in a sitcom ;)