Friday, April 09, 2010


I have been crafty lately! For one, I am painting a white book case for Tristin, because white is so not her. I will post pictures of it laterish.

And last night I had a brainstorm! Cellphone charms! Of course they can be used for many different things. But they are so cute!


Xmichra said...

They are very cute!! I still have cell phone charms that i haven't made up. lol... I have alot of stuff i still haven't made up. I hit a slump.

Kat said...

Thank you! It was a random creative moment I was so proud of me! :)

I've been in a long slump, this was fun.

Xmichra said...

I forgot to ask, what program did you use for your cards? I have one, but it sucks ass. lol...

Xmichra said...

the cards that have your shop logo on them, in the baggies with the cell phone charms :)

Kat said...

Oh! See, I read the comment in my email without looking at the post. I actually just made two columns in Word, copied and pasted a lot, printed and hand cut them. They aren't cut as straight as they should be, but I had limited resources at the time. LoL. ;)