Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I should be ashamed...

I completely missed my second blogiversary. It was April 2nd. Two years of blogging. Even though I don't blog here very often or anywhere very often lately, I still consider myself a blogger. A very busy blogger, but a blogger. :)

So some of you guys out there have known me for about two years. Have I changed much? ;)


Blissfully Wed said...

This fellow Tennessean has no idea how much you may have changed.

But I do love your pics. ;)


Anonymous said...

I remember the first time you commented on my blog with the cute cat avatar.

Rae Ann said...

Hi Kat! Happy blogiversary to you too. I've been pretty busy too this spring. Yes, you've changed a lot, or at least your circumstances have changed a lot. I hope all is well!