Monday, November 24, 2008


I am so tired right now. Deep down tired. This coming weekend is a four day weekend for me though, hopefully I will get the recharge I need. I don't have too much planned, we don't have a very large family locally. Thursday will probably just be me and my girls, Tristin is coming down for the holiday. Friday their dad is taking them to his mother's. I get them back that evening to take them downtown for Christmas lights and Santa. :) Saturday evening we are having our "family" dinner at my sister's house. It will just be both my sisters, their significant others, my niece, me and the girls. I invited the guy I'm seeing, but he wasn't sure about his own family goings ons. So not too very much going on. Plenty of time just to sit back and relax.


Xmichra said...

sounds like a good oportunity to get some rest. Hope you have a good weekend.

Tobiwan said...

Let's hear it for 'low-key' holiday celebrations! I'm having one of those myself~it's nice not having an actual committed holiday celebration.