Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve To-Do List

  1. Vacuum
  2. Give Brianna a bubble bath
  3. Bathe the dog
  4. Dishes
  5. Febreze all the carpets while dog is quarantined in bathroom to dry
  6. Pick up the girls portraits before 2:45
  7. Febreze the bathroom once the dog is let out
  8. Bake chocolate chip cookies with the girls
  9. Leave cookies and milk out for Santa
  10. Watch The Polar Express in my room with the girls just before bedtime
I very rarely complete a day's to-do list. Today I did!

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Blessed Be!
Happy Holidays, whichever you choose to celebrate.


Rayna said...

Season's Greetings to you, Kat!

And congrats on completing your to-do list! A Christmas miracle ;)

Xmichra said...

yay!! a finished to do list! very rare sighting indeed ;)

merry ho-ho :)

Lola Starr said...

Hope you had a great holiday!!!