Monday, April 06, 2009

Out of Focus

I have been unable to focus on things lately. I'm a little stressed over finances thanks to the King of Asshats, AKA: my Ex. Late is late and is just as bad as not paying, just fyi. But that should be settled soon, hopefully. Perhaps if I annoy him enough he won't get behind again, yes?

In happy news, I received three beautiful necklaces from the talented Xmichra. Go see her stuff, it is all beautiful. I've been meaning to add a link to that and other pages on the sidebar, but haven't. I'm good at making lists, but need to work on implementing them. :) I hopefully will have pictures soon to post of my new jewelry. This from the woman who finally put pictures from Sept and Oct 2004 in a photo album this last weekend...

I have to get organized. I am not as balanced as I apparently appear from the outside. My house is a cluteristic disaster! (Yes, it's a word, or at least it is now. :P) I was still sorting and getting rid of stuff when Tristin moved in. Now we have that extra clutter. Most of storage stuff has been moved, but a lot needs to be sorted before it's moved. And then the kids are both outgrowing toys and clothes and seasonal stuff needs to be put away. Argh!

You see? I need focus. So I shall make a new list and break it down to very small tasks. I get more accomplished if it seems I've done a lot. So the more I can mark off a list, the better I get at it. So tonight, number one on the list is: Find Focus. I can do anything I put my mind to, and my apartment will be neat!


Aleta said...

Have you heard the phrase "eat that elephant one bite at a time"? Yes, you must break your tasks down into bite-sized pieces, then you won't be so overwhelmed! Good luck!

Xmichra said...

okay, i totally missed this post!! that's bad. especially since i watch my sidebar of people i maybe i need some focus too!

Don't get too down though. you are doing awesome, and have been for some time.

Kat said...

Thanks! I'm coming out of it now. Last night it dawned on me how to fix my living room better. I rearranged the furniture. Now that I've started, the whole place should be in order soon. :)