Friday, September 18, 2009

Ch ch ch changes

I was thinking about changes today. And how things seem to be always in motion. Just four years ago I had not even met some of the people that are most important to me right now. I was a suburbanite SUV driving housewife.

I can't even say that with a straight face. That's how weird it seems! But it wasn't me. It was never me. I never fit into the mold people kept trying to cram me into. And now I have people I am close to who don't try to change me or fit me into a certain way. Even though they may be completely different than me. Opposites attract and all that.

And I am unashamedly me. I dress how I want, I act how I want, I do what I want. I am very comfortable with my life right now. It isn't all smiles and sunshine, but it's good.

And yet, things keep changing. Where will we all be another four years from now? I don't know. But I know what key players in my life I plan to keep around. Great friends and important people who I can't imagine not speaking to regularly. I will go to great lengths to keep these few people around. (Physically and virtually, I have a few bloggy friends I would track down should they disappear on me.) I am pretty sure they feel the same way.

I wanted to have some more fiction up soon, but the writing hits me sporadically lately. I'll post when it hits again.

1 comment:

ghartstein said...

I guess change is the only constant. That always sounded so funny, but it's true in a lot of ways.