Tuesday, September 08, 2009

The Queen's Meme #9

is easy to love? ~ my girls
do you just wanna smack? ~ Asshats. All of 'em.
do you trust? ~ Only my closest friends, of which there are very few.
do you talk to when you're alone? ~ myself as usual.


dangerous things do you do while driving? ~ Look at the clock. Seriously, I almost wrecked glancing at the clock once. No problem on the phone, changing cds, dealing with kids, eating, drinking, texting. I go to check the time which is right on the dash, and boom some dumbass stops suddenly in front of me.
are you allergic to? ~ The very air we breathe.
is Satan's last name? ~ Smith
is the last thing that moved you? ~ Breakfast at Tiffany's. I watched it four times this weekend.
is the freakiest thing in your house? ~ Tristin. Seriously. So freaky she would be amused by this answer.


is it time to turn over a new leaf? ~ When the old one falls apart.
will you be all that you can be? ~ I am always all I can be for the moment. Can't be too much at once.
is enough enough? ~ almost all the time
do you go to the dark side? ~ Who do you think made the damn cookies?


are your pants? ~ on me. Well, one pair, the others are in the drawer, and closet, and laundry room.
is your last will and testament? ~ Yeah, I need one of those.
is your junk food stash? ~ I don't do that.
is Carmen Sandiego? ~ Not on the dark side. Look somewhere else.


was the Lone Ranger alone? ~ He wasn't, Tonto was always with him.
was The Scarlet Letter scarlet? ~ Because the author was an unimaginative bore. Seriously, I hate that book.
are musicians sexy and plumbers not? ~ Xmichra had the best answer for this, I just can't think of anything good!
are there no seat belts on school buses? ~ This has confounded me for years. And they get the worst damn drivers too!

Would you....

swim the English Channel for a doughnut and coffee? If not that, what? ~ No, I'm not much of a swimmer.
forgive someone who deliberately hurt you? ~ Nope.
rather believe a lie if it hurt you less than the truth? ~ No, I want the truth whether I can handle it or not.
you still be alive if you were sucked out of an airplane window? Would you just float around in space for while? ~ I would freak out completely.


Mimi Lenox said...

I think Tonto was with him, yes! You are correct.

And I love Hawthorne...even if he's dark and boring at times. The psychology is intriguing.

Love your answers!

Xmichra said...

you made the cookies! lol.. awesome :)

and yes, you need a will!

Romeo Morningwood said...

Ha..asshats is such a good word to describe asshats.

I'm confounded by the airplane window question? What do they mean float around?
How f*cking high is the plane?
If you're floating, there "ain't" no oxygen.