Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Work in Progress

This necklace is almost making itself! I started with a pack of random pink glass beads, tigers eye chips, and round tigers eye. I am putting just two or three beads per head pin, and putting the head pins together. It is probably the most daring jewelry I've done so far.

I have researched glass pendents. You know, the clear glass that you attach some sort of paper to and seal it? The scrabble tile pendants are popular now too, but I don't think I'll make those. I've also bought a couple of pendant bezels to make my own charms in. It doesn't look hard to do, just detail oriented. It looks fun! If not, I only have to make about twenty to use up the supplies I've ordered. LoL


Xmichra said...

very prety :) you are working with more metal than I pretty much ever use, I like it :) I hate metal wrapping, so I seldome do it...lol... I understand the benifit though, and it is significantly less time consuming.

I have made several things the past little while, but have either forgotten to post them, or sold them. My computer avoidance is carrying over into my photos... it's a sad state of affairs I say.

Kat said...

Thanks. I didn't think I would like the wire wrapping myself, but it's addictive. LoL. I am thinking of wrapping semiprecious stones to make pendants and even rings! I need a few more tools first though. And a little more research. ;)

Xmichra said...

I started making rings with filigree metals. They look nice actually, good cocktail rings. I have another shipment coming in, I'll show you when I get it :)

With wire, just make sure you are using a strong enough gauge, or it won't hold. Not such a big deal when it's plastics.. kinda a big deal with gems ;) And get a good set of clippers. I love the magic ones, they are litterally magic!