Tuesday, April 05, 2005

On Being Blonde

This morning when I checked my email I was faced with yet another dumb blonde joke. Why are there so many dumb blonde jokes anyway? Why not dumb brunettes? I have known smart blondes, and more than a few dumb brunettes, so why pick on blondes? Because we have more fun? If you think about it, most blondes are brunettes with bleached hair anyway. Being a natural dark blonde (I refuse to use the term dishwater blonde), I feel the dumb blonde jokes are unfair. To make it worse, most dumb blonde jokes are aimed at women. There are blonde men out there too, I have seen them. So why is the dumb blonde in the joke always about a woman? Well, there it is, my complaint about the unfairness shown to blondes. Later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The jokes are still funny. If you prefer change the blonde woman into a blonde man and it rarely change the joke that much and usually still funny. Please don't missunderstand I agree to an extent of what you are saying but it never has really bothered me....i'm a natural brunette though! LOL!