Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Busy, busy, busy

I am getting so terrible at posting! Now that my oldest is in school, our whole schedule has changed. We get up a lot earlier, so I go to bed a lot earlier! I am also planning things with my little one now that it is just the two of us. She finger painted for the first time yesterday! I showed her what to do and coaxed her a bit. But after she spread some paint around on the paper the first time she said "towel?". So I had to explain that she didn't need a paper towel, that she was supposed to get messy. She finally got into it. Although being 19 months old, it of course didn't last long. I did get one very nice masterpiece then it was off to a bubble bath to play! I was going to pull out her little pool but it looked like it was going to rain all day.

This morning we have storytime at the library and this afternoon after school we are supposed to go to the mountains to meet up with my husband's grandparents. But, although my posting may be sporadic, I am still reading and commenting everywhere else. I have a bunch of pictures to post later this week, I just haven't gotten around to transfering them yet. And I really need to paint the baby's room so I can move her and her crib back in there.

I'm such a procrastinator!


Rae Ann said...

I hear you! So many things going on. We just have to steal a little time here and there to stay in touch. Hope everything goes nice and smooth!

Nick Danger said...

Damnit Kat, you need to sit down and fucking post! Where are your priorties? Library indeed!!

Michael Lehet said...

So how does she enjoy school? I'm sure she'll have lots of stories.

Fingerpainting sounds like fun, is there an age limit on that?

SierraBella said...

Oh no, the dreaded fingerpaints!

Glad to see you posted again.

Chris said...

Awww. Not to betray the bloggerati, but I would choose fingerpainting over posting too. ;)

I hope your oldest is enjoying school, and that you all enjoy the mountains.

ghartstein said...

That's awesome that you get to spend that time with your little one...very cool!

bubbles said...

sounds like you have been busy. I think you forgot to fill us in on another thing though......oh and are you going to post the masterpiece?