Friday, August 26, 2005

Fiction Friday

This is a continuation of last week's fiction Friday. If you haven't read it yet, go here.

It was time to make my move. I headed over to the tattooed guy's table, going around to the other side of him where the stroller sat.

"What a cute baby."

"Thanks, he's my sister's kid. Her regular baby sitter got sick, so I'm filling in for the day."

"Lucky she has such a good brother. I noticed your body art from my table. I'm an amateur photographer, and I wondered if I could take some pictures?"

Of course he was delighted, I even made sure several of them were of him and his little nephew. Most of the shots were of the two men a couple of rows over. The cop and his friend. I had been following the cop for days. He was dirty, but we needed proof. I didn't know who his friend was, but it was my job to get pictures of anyone he met up with. The two men got up to leave.

I handed tattoo guy a pen and paper. "Let me have your address and I will send you some of the pictures"


Chris said...

Niiiice. Very nice. I love this!

Kat said...

Thank you! I was hoping for something more exciting, but that's what came out.

Rae Ann said...

That's great! Are you going to contiue with it? I hope so!

Kat said...

Continue with it? hmmm... maybe not right away, we'll see.

I should probably come up with a title for it too! lol

SierraBella said...

Please continue the story!

Chris said...

Hah! Now you know how I feel. I want to see more of this story too, but at the same time, I want to see what else you can come up with. This was really cool.

And I thought it was plenty exciting. I certainly didn't see the twist coming, that's for sure.

ghartstein said...

LIke the way the story's going...nice job. Is this a once a week thing?

bubbles said... long are you going to drag this out? lol still good.