Saturday, May 24, 2008


Today I took Brianna to my mom's. She lives downtown, which is finally becoming more than the homeless hangout it has been for a long time. We even have a movie theater downtown now. So I walked downtown, had a little lunch and went to see Indiana Jones. Fucking awesome. I'm in love with Harrison Ford all over again. ;) He was my very first crush. I was five. After the movie I walked to the square, picked up a couple small pots of sweet basil and italian oregano for my little potted garden on the balcony.

After getting Brianna we went to Home Depot for a few extra clay pots, and I picked up some rosemary and the prettiest little purple petunias you've ever seen. They are so small! I didn't know they had petunias so small. We popped in the grocery store for a couple things and came home. Later Brianna is going to paint on her play table we keep on the balcony while I repot the new plants.

A very nice beginning to a three day weekend. :)


Amy said...

more flowers?! damn where r they gonna fit?!

ghartstein said...

Hope you had a great weekend! Personally, I've had a little trouble getting back into the swing of things! Need one more weekend!