Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What I've been up to

I've spent time over the last couple of weeks going through all of my old posts. Stalkers will notice there are some posts that are no longer there. Since making this public again I've become more self-conscious about what I post. So, now that I've tidied up a bit I will aim to post more regularly. I will aim for twice a week, and expect it to be rather random. Because I am rather random.

On a side note, IE sucks, Firefox rules.

Just sayin. ;)

BTW, when did Blogger start letting you schedule when to post your post??? I didn't know I could do that! Awesome.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Interesting point of view

Found at

Most Christians quote the following infamous scripture that appears to support their belief that the Bible condemns witches. "Thou shalt not suffer a Witch to live" (Exodus 22:18). Obviously, in the original Hebrew language this word did not mean 'witch'. It actually referred to someone who used poisonous herbs to harm others. In Greek, this same word is translated as 'pharmacopeia'- someone who cast curses, and provided people with poisonous herbs to harm others. Today, we might call that person a drug dealer, and a more accurate modern translation might read 'Thou shalt not suffer a drug dealer to live'. The passage was NOT intended to condemn people who used herbs and magic to help others. So, unless someone is dealing in poisonous herbs or drugs with the intent to cause harm, this scripture really does not apply!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Curious development

I was wandering aimlessly through my own archives, and noticed something peculiar. The text I worked furiously to align correctly with pictures is out of whack.

Why is that?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

This and That

You guys remember the guy I went out with back in November? I called him "new guy" for a while. It was kinda on again off again? We just couldn't seem to communicate properly. Or maybe we were just out of sync. Well we stopped going out for a few months, but then started talking again. And then we started seeing each other again. Then stuff happened and we didn't get together for about a month. Work, he was sick, then I went out of town. This coming weekend will be the fourth in a row we've gotten together. Which is a record for us. lol. It's very comfortable with him. We meet up at my place mostly, I don't have a sitter very often. We watch a movie or two, he brings take out, sometimes have a drink or two. And we talk. As in have an actual conversation. Its nice, slow, comfortable. I like it.

And he's a really good kisser. :)