Tuesday, August 12, 2008

This and That

You guys remember the guy I went out with back in November? I called him "new guy" for a while. It was kinda on again off again? We just couldn't seem to communicate properly. Or maybe we were just out of sync. Well we stopped going out for a few months, but then started talking again. And then we started seeing each other again. Then stuff happened and we didn't get together for about a month. Work, he was sick, then I went out of town. This coming weekend will be the fourth in a row we've gotten together. Which is a record for us. lol. It's very comfortable with him. We meet up at my place mostly, I don't have a sitter very often. We watch a movie or two, he brings take out, sometimes have a drink or two. And we talk. As in have an actual conversation. Its nice, slow, comfortable. I like it.

And he's a really good kisser. :)


Xmichra said...

YAY!!!! good for you! And kissing is always good :)

ghartstein said...

Glad to hear things are looking up on that front!