Tuesday, May 03, 2011

But I don't feel 39!

Today is my birthday. I am 39. It just doesn't seem possible! I don't feel that old.

My mom took us out to dinner for my birthday Sunday night. This is a new tradition we started with Tristin's birthday last September. Since it's too damn expensive to eat out anymore, we only go on birthdays.

I picked Applebees and had one of their 550 calorie meals. It was really good. Just smaller portions.

I had the bottom one, sirloin with garlic herb shrimp.

Tristin and I split one of their molten lava fudge cakes with ice cream. It was delish! Brianna had a chocolate sundae.

Tristin's friend sent three cupcakes home with her this weekend. So they fixed one up for me last night:


1 comment:

Xmichra said...

awe, it's nice that the girls did that for you :)

I am turning 36 this year, and I don't emotionally feel that old either. I do in my bones some days.. lol... but that will improve I hope :)