Friday, May 20, 2011

Fiction Friday ~ Guest Post

This is a poem from a poetry project for school. I have reproduced it as is, font and all, with her permission.

By: Tristin Hunter

The old house quietly creaks,
And the cats are ever so meek.
I step onto the old wooden boards,
And I hear the piano strike a single chord.
The melody grows stronger,
As the beautiful notes grow longer.
They become faster and faster,
And then I see the piano’s master.
She is sitting in front of the white and black,
Using the musical talent she does not lack.
I sit listening in a velvet chair,
In a room I once called the “lair”.
As she plays, I’m reminded of my childhood here,
Living so close to the pier.
And when the music finally stops,
Up onto my feet, I hop.
To greet the woman I love ever so dearly,
The one I come to see more than just yearly.
The woman who raised me through good and bad,
The woman who comforted me when I was ever so sad.
The woman who taught me all I know,
Even about the rain and snow.
This woman can never be replaced by any other,
My dear mother.

1 comment:

Xmichra said...

awe, that's sweet :)