Thursday, September 22, 2005


I just love fall, it is my favorite season. According to the weather in a few days the temperature is going drop down to the low 80's! Perfect weather for working in the flower beds. Over then next couple of weeks I will be planting mums and pulling fall decorations out of storage.

The trees haven't turned yet, but any day now they will transform into brilliant shades of red, orange, and gold. If you have never been to the Smokey Mountains, or the area around them in the fall, you are missing a real treat.

Oh, and I have already taught my little 20 month old how to say "pumpkin!"


bubbles said...

YAY for fall! I just wish the weather would cool really shouldn't be pushing 90 this late in September. I get all crazy when it starts to cool off. I have already had my cold for the year so I am good to go! HA!

Rae Ann said...

I love the crisp fall weather too! I hope it gets here soon. I'm tired of 90 degree days.

Rae Ann said...

Oh, yeah, and I've noticed a lot of the trees are suffering from the lack of rain to too much late heat. I hope the colors will still be good.

Chris said...

Add me to the "I love Fall" crowd. I'm a big fan of the transitional seasons. Summer has become so hot it may as well be Winter for all that you get to be outside, and Winter is just depressing.

I think Spring is still my favorite, because it frees me from the hell that is Winter, and I love how everything is new and fresh and filled with possibility. Spring is very motivating for me, and is when most of my new projects start. But I'm liking the contemplation and nostalgia that Fall brings.