Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Searches that lead here

I have had some funny searches lately. Such as: stroller reflections, chat rooms for the lonely, smart blondes (of course that led them to me!), johnny depp hair comments, and Ashton Kushton (apparently I'm not the only one who can't spell his name). But the most perplexing search of all is someone who comes here regularly by searching yahoo for "". I know what city they are in, and that it is the same person each time, but I don't know who they are. Maybe when they read this, they will leave their name and solve our my little mystery.


Rae Ann said...

That's interesting. I've gotten traffic from searches for spiders and anything that has 'hoe' in it.

Michael Lehet said...

That's interesting, I got a ton of searches for Jennifer Anniston since I spelled her name wrong as well (you never would have guessed there's only one N in her last name).

Hope you find out who it is : -)

bubbles said...

hmmmm....interesting....tell me what happens out of that! I want Fiction Friday back!!!! and why aren't you posting as was once said many years ago on a commercial...."Where's the beef?"

SierraBella said...

I love these mysteries.

Hope you find out who this is.

Chris said...

Check this out. Someone found me by searching the phrase "she pressed her breasts to his face". The exact phrase.

I feel a certain lecherous pride in this.