Sunday, September 14, 2008

I owe, I owe so off to work I go.

A couple of weeks ago I was looking through some paperwork at work. Something caught my eye, but I wasn't sure if I saw what I thought I saw. Sorry I have to be so vague. Well I mentioned to my boss that maybe he should check what I saw out. Two weeks later the bookkeeper was let go.

So now I have her job as well as mine. Not totally, the boss and I both work on it. I like it that way, two pairs of eyes are more likely to catch a mistake than one. So now I do accounting, HR, and the small bit of IT a small company needs. I am busy and loving it. Things were so slow before, I was worried about my job. Now I'm not.

1 comment:

Xmichra said...

sucks when you find something out like that though. I had the same instance happen... not so pleasant. But i ended up getting the company 1.3 million from a company seriously in arrears. crazy.