Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I Luvs Halloween

Its early, I know, but stores have stuff out already and I got this new polish. I didn't take a picture, but found one on the web. Here's a link, I don't have the black, just the red. It's called "bloodshed".

I luvs Halloween. :)

Claw Polish on Flickr - Photo Sharing!


SierraBella said...

Halloween is one of my favorites too!
My troll in a skeleton costume is already on the kitchen window sill, waiting for the holiday.
Just waiting for the day to come closer, before putting out the rest of the stuff...

Xmichra said...

Halloween is my most favoritist day of the year! Though i will be significantly large by that time. I should paint my belly as a jack o'lantern. hehe...