Wednesday, February 04, 2009

The One Where I Ramble a Lot

One of my all-time favorite movies is Pride and Prejudice. I get so caught up in Elizabeth trying to decipher the personality of Mr. Darcy. It is also full of interesting dialog. I have to confess that I have never read the book. I've tried twice so far, I just can't get through the first couple of chapters.

Another one of my favorite movies is You've Got Mail. Which is interesting because one of the lead characters, Kathleen, talks about the book Pride and Prejudice more than once. The last few times I've watched it I also noticed parallels between the lead characters of both movies. I found that interesting.

Last Friday night I started a Beginning Yoga class. I loved it! I plan to go back each Friday. That gives me three days a week at the gym. Twice with a trainer, and once in yoga. Once I'm more used to it and not so sore between sessions, I will try to pop in for just a quick cardio one or two other days a week. Those just depend on the week. If I'm active away from the gym I won't. If I binge on cake I will. You get the idea. ;)

I took the girls out for Chinese last week. We had a good time, being inappropriately cheerful because the place wasn't crowded. Fortune cookie time was interesting. Tristin's said something about someone watching her from afar. She was tickled at first until I pointed out that it could be a warning for her to stop doing things she shouldn't. Brianna's said "Your lost possession will be found within the month." As it turns out she has a particular toy we can't find. I hope it turns up.

Then I started to read mine. Now we had been giggling over a cute guy not long before this, so I started off with "That hot guy is in love with you." Tristin cracks up, which was my intention. Then I actually read what mine says "Others appreciate your good sense of humor today." Well that was right on the money, wasn't it?


Lola Starr said...

Mmm.....Chinese....I'm sounds like you're doing so well! :)

Xmichra said...

lol.. i like how you put a re-focus on Tristins fortune. .heheh..

Yoga is awesome!! I wish there was still a good class here in my town, i would take it. I guess i could see if there are any good dvd's .... but i am bad for buying that kind of stuff and just ignoring it. Better to have a place where that is the entire intention and you can't get side tracked. lol...

I didn't like the book as much as the movie (Pride and Prejudice) which is a rarity. But (and this is where everyone gets rather exasperated with me) i do not like Jane Austen's writting. Great stories, too much over embellished BS. hehe...

Kat said...

Karma: Chinese is good and both my kids love it!

Xmichra: I have pilates and yoga tapes I was doing very sporadically. I really need the class to make myself do it. I agree with you on reading Jane Austen. She put a lot of her own personal opinon in her books, and I'm guessing she was a very long-winded person in real life. Either that or she held it all in to put in the books!

Rayna said...

I must confess, I have never read a single Jane Austin book. I love the movies, Pride and Prejudice; Sense and sensibility, etc... but I could tell from the movies, and just from being familiar with the writing common in Jane Austin's era that I would have a difficult time plowing through the verbiage (and that coming from ME, a terribly verbose person!!). I don't have the patience to wade through it.

Chinese food. My children LOVE it. They get it from their dad. He could eat it eight days a week. My favorite is always fortune cookie time! Well, and leaving. :) I'm burnt out on Chinese.