Friday, January 30, 2009

Found at Xmichra's

I am a

What Flower
Are You?

"You are just a sweet person. When a friend needs a shoulder to cry on, you are happy to offer yours with a box of tissues as well. Once in awhile, you wish you could be a little more dramatic but then sensibility sets back in and you know that you are perfect the way you are."


Xmichra said...

very sweet! Much better than being a party heisting daffodil.. lol..

Kat said...

Thanks. And what's funny is that a daisy is one of my favorite flowers. I tend to switch around over time, I've gone from roses to daisies. :)

Rayna said...

Kat - The description for daisies really does seem to fit. Daisies number among my favorite flowers.

Mich - party heisting daffodils are awesome. They're the first flowers up, and usually about the second week of February, which I think is wonderful.

Amy said...

sorry to be the one to pop the bubble but...i have to call BULLSHIT!