Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Xmichra Tagged me! The rules were simple enough, erase her answers and fill in my own. Here is goes!

1. Who is the hottest Movie Star?
Hugh Jackman. He not only looks good, he also sings! Awesomely. And has that dreamy accent...

2. Apart from your house and car, what is the most expensive item you have ever bought?
Well I was a housewife for 9 years. Technically I didn't buy anything then. And I've been broke since! hmmm... I would have to say the vacuum cleaner. Seriously. I spent more on it than I have ever on one. Maybe it will last more than two years like the others. LoL.

3. What is you most treasured memory?
I actually have several. All of the girls when they were newborns. :) Can't pick between them.

4. What was the best gift you ever received as a child?
malibu barbie. She had a red bathing suit and a brush. That's it. No wait, maybe western barbie. Her outfit had fringes. And I had her horse too!

5. What is the biggest mistake you have ever made?
Not shooting my ex right before Brianna was born and using hormones as a defense.

I mean, uhhh, not handling my separation a little better, yeah that's it. ;)

6. 4 words to describe yourself?
smart, crazy, cute, underestimated

7. What was your highlight or low light of 2008?
highlight ~ Tristin coming home in December. :)
Lowlight ~ Early 2008 when Tristin and Amy both moved away within a couple months of each other. :(

8. Favorite Film?
Just one?!?!? I can't do it! I can't pick just one!

9. Tell me one thing I don’t know about you.
This is always hard. I'm such a blabbermouth everyone knows everything that isn't too TMI and some that is. LoL. Okay, here's something I probably haven't blogged. When the shuttle blew up, '85 or '86 I think, I was in the eighth grade at school, and it took me a while to understand what happened because I had a stomache ache from eating too much junk food at my aunt's house the night before.

10. If you were a comic book/strip or cartoon character, who would you be?
Cartoon character? I have no idea. And technically I don't read comics. Although I have read a few, I just never did enough to really know what is going on. Of course they are always changing things around and stuff anyway.

But I suppose I would have to go with Catwoman. I know, you are all shocked. LoL. But seriously, she's not an awesome heroine, but she's not really all that bad either. She's just a little bad. Like me. ;)

The three bloggers I am tagging with this Meme are:

Karma, Toby, Mr. G


Xmichra said...

i spent like a thousand bucks on my vaccuum. mind you it's a central vac, but still... i thought i was going to have a stroke.

Kat said...

Holy crap. I spent less than $200. I would like to have a nice dyson, but that's just too much for me to spend on one. Maybe when this one dies. LoL.

Lola Starr said...

Wow. Apparently good vaccuums are expensive. I think the most I ever spent on one was like $50 and I thought that was bad!