Tuesday, September 01, 2009

The Queen's Meme #8

Warning: Hide the children!There are love shenanigans in the dungeon.

Welcome to The Queen's Meme #8.
Step out of the box. Be creative. Have fun!
And please, stay out of the dungeon.

I've tried to avoid this subject. It is the fickle fodder of many a meme these days. Romance, s*x, relationships and breakups are really nobody's business. Wouldn't you say? Or perhaps it's the questions that are too personal and a bit juvenile at times. Middle school smooching is not exactly the end all and be all of civilization. (Is it? I don't know. I seem to have forgotten.) To tell you the truth, I'm getting just a little sick of all the love shenanigans going on in the dungeon down below. I can hear you. You are all just a wee bit too happy if you ask me. If I didn't know better I'd swear you want to stay!
But seriously, we could all use a little lot of romance in our lives. I promise not to ask questions that would make your mother blush. I suggest you tell her not to read your blog tomorrow.

Bloggingham Love Shack (aka The Romance Meme)

1. What is the craziest thing you've ever done in the name of love?
~Moved out of town away from friends and family. Unfortunately it turned out badly.

2. How much mystery should there be in a relationship? Is it a good thing or not? ~Enough. Who wants to know everything about anyone? I believe in openness with one's partner, but only to a certain degree.

3. Is there someone in the blogosphere you'd like to get to know more intimately? Have you been too shy to ask? Let me help you. Write a 3 sentence anonymous blove letter to them in this meme.
Leave a link if you dare. (I promise not to tell!)

4. Describe a "perfect evening" with the one you love.
~That question is a little presumptuous, but assuming I had someone to have a perfect evening with, I would start with my kids being somewhere else for the night. Dinner out, a movie, or a show! I've never been to a show. Then home for staying up late and sleeping late the next morning. ;)

5. If you are in a relationship, describe the one thing that makes it work well for you. If you are not in a relationship, do you want to be? If so, what type of romance are you looking for? What would it look like in your life?
~I would very much like to be in a nice comfortable-know-where-I-stand relationship.

6. If you had to choose between having good s*x (I told you not to let your mother read this) OR intelligent conversation on a regular basis, which would you choose and why?
~I very much like both and I am very certain I *can* get both. But if I had to chose I suppose sex because I get conversation online.

and finally.....a purely selfish question:

7. I've got the Bloggingham Blues. What type of man is right for Queen Mimi Pencil Skirt? Do any of you see love in her foreseeable future? What do you suggest I do to spice up my love life? What am I doing wrong????!
~I'm afraid I am new to the kingdom and not sure how to answer this. But don't give up hope! :)

1 comment:

Xmichra said...

that was my logic for #6 too...lol..