Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The One Where I Ramble a Little

Tonight I had my second training session. I am so sore! My abs hurt for two days after my first session. Tonight it's my thighs that are hurting. But I love my trainer! He's so comfortable to be with, and very patient. I don't dread going to the gym. I was nervous the first time, and a tad nervous this time, but more excited than nervous. And I saw the little hottie that first signed me up. That boy could have sold me the Brooklyn Bridge. ;) He did impress me by recognizing me and asking how I liked it. Most salesmen, which he basically is, completely forget you as soon as you have finished the sale.

It is no secret I am addicted to primetime. I have found a new show that's really awesome. Lie to Me, Wednesday nights at nine on Fox. It has Tim Roth in it (Incredible Hulk, Reservoir Dogs). He is delightfully anti-social. Sort of reminds me of Dr. House, only a little nicer. :)

The show brings science into seeing if someone is lying. If they had that class in college, I would have taken it and sat on the front row! I abhor liars. I don't understand lying and deception. Which unfortunately makes it easier for people to deceive me.

This show is awesome, check it out.


Lola Starr said...

I'm so glad the training is going well! That's awesome!!!

I *hate* liars. The truth is not nearly as complicated as you make it out to be. I should try watching this show.

Xmichra said...

i saw that show last night, it was really cool. I am with you on the whole front row of that class... would have been neat.

Everyone has the ability to lie, but those who do it perpetually and for hurtful reasons I don't get.

I can usually tell when people are lying to me, however if i trust a person i get blindsided.

I don't trust often for that reason.

(of note here, my word verification is "empica" which is a totally killer band!!

Rayna said...

The training sessions... oh, I am envious! :)

I set the DVR to record "Lie To Me" last night. I kept seeing the previews while watching Idol, so I couldn't resist. It looks excellent and clever.

I'd totally have been in such a class. I understand better than I should the drive to lie. In some cases. Although the pathological, malicious lies, I do not understand. Interestingly, for those who believe in lies of omission, EVERYbody lies. ALL the time. You can't help it, because everything you don't say is a lie.

Crazy psychology.