Sunday, March 08, 2009


At night, when I'm going to sleep I think of a million things to blog about. In the car too, anywhere actually until I sit down with the computer. Then I'm blank. The words just fizzle away. I think I need to go back to keeping a spiral notebook handy to write in. Then I can just transfer it later.

I do want to say this: I'm shrinking. Not in height, but everywhere else. They tell women that once you have children, or get over thirty, or both that you will naturally become larger in a few places. Breast, hips, tummy, thighs. It's natural and you should just accept it and move on. I call bullshit. I'm shrinking folks! My bras are too big! My legs are thinner! My stomach is slowly shrinking as well! I'm toning in places I didn't even realize had extra padding! It was sort of a slow overall gain. I love the gym, and I love the changes. I'm sure my diet changes are part of it too. It's been three weeks since I gave up sodas. I let myself have a can of coke about a week ago as a treat. But that's it. One in three weeks. This from the girl that would have a couple a DAY not so long ago.

Well, that's all I have for today. Except this, and I must warn you that most will not know what it means. Maybe none of you will. Some of you will guess, and may or may not be right. I won't go into explanations. It is just something I realized and wanted to "say" outloud even if nobody gets it.

I've outgrown you.


Xmichra said...

F*@king YAY!!!!! I am so proud of you, you have no idea!!!! I love that you have started this whole life make over thing, and it is working so well for you!!!

I have a guess... but I am glad you outgrew whatever it was :)

Kat said...

Xmichra: Thanks! I found out today I've lost 4% of body fat! :)

KarmaLennon said...

This is so awesome!!!! :) I am so impressed with you. I wish I had your dedication. I keep saying I'm going to change certain things but then have no actual willpower. ;)

And yay for making statements! Sometimes it helps to say it "out loud" even if they don't actually "hear" it. :)

Tobiwan said...

So does that mean you're going to post a HNT shot soon?

I don't get what you mean, but it sounds like a step in the right direction and that's always good.