Thursday, October 06, 2005


Bunny My husband brought home a white rabbit the other day. It had been abandoned in a friend's fenced in yard. He brought her here and let her loose in our yard, which she escaped from three times. We now have a proper small rabbit pen with a little hiding place for her to sleep. My husband and oldest daughter took her to the vet, he called to tell me it was definitely a she, and to find out her name. My little one always just calls her "bunny". To make it officially a name, I changed the Y to I and voila... Bunni is officially a part of the family. I wanted to post a picture of her, but I can't seem to find my camera. If I get anymore absentminded, I will forget my own name!


bubbles said...


SierraBella said...


Chris said...

Aww. My daughter will be envious to hear it. She loves the bunnies.

And I actually did forget my name once. Of course, I was high on a cocktail of pot, LSD and mescaline at the time, and had not slept in 10 days because of my job as a mob enforcer.

Sometimes I really miss grade school. ;)

Rae Ann said...

Oh, my kids love bunnies too. I hope you find your camera.

Michael Lehet said...

Yeah for bunnies, they taste so good : -)

(you know I'm kidding right)

Mike said...

We got a wild rabbit outside we feed all the time. It now comes up and we pet it... We'd like to take it to the vet and keep it, but... Our roomie might eat it or sit on it.

ghartstein said...

How 'bout getting her a playmate? Maybe a boy bunny? I'm sure they'll get along great and will be "just good friends"...