Saturday, October 29, 2005

Halloween Party

I forgot to update everyone about the party. It was last Saturday. We had a pretty good time. I only knew a couple of people there, but made a couple of new friends. (Assuming that one girl remembered anything the next day.) Thanks to my sister, I looked very much like a gypsy. My husband (as usual) waited until the last minute to figure out a costume. Luckily he is a man of many colors. When he was in the Army, he took an EMT course out of boredom while most of his unit was in Kuwait. (This was before the current conflict, just a normal six month rotation, he and another Sgt. were left as rear detatchment.) After the EMT course he decided to work part-time as an EMT in the local town. He became friends with people who worked in the local emergency room, and when they told him they needed occasional volunteers, he was their man.

Wow, I got way off subject.

My point is, he swiped a set of scrubs, which he wore to the Halloween party.


Chris said...

Cool! Did you get any pictures? I'm dying to see this gypsy costume I've been reading so much about.

ghartstein said...

This just made me think of a really vile (in a socially and/or politically correct sort of way) costume I wore many years ago to a Halloween that I'm afraid would insult people so I won't say what it was...and despite the costume, the night turned out to be "lots of fun", though I'll leave the details to the imagination...and we're talking 16 years ago!

bubbles said...

ahhh the ramblings of a lunatic! LOL!!!