Monday, October 17, 2005

Social life?

My husband's new partner has invited us to a Halloween party. I haven't been to a party since...

Ok, I can't remember. Unless you count kids birthday parties. My sister is helping me put together a gypsy costume. I need ideas for my husband's costume. Something quick and inexpensive. My biggest problem is that I won't know ANYONE at the party except my husband, his partner and her boyfriend. But I only met his partner and her boyfriend briefly, so I hardly know them. I'm such an introvert.

If anyone has ideas about a costume for my hubby, please share.


Chris said...

Yikes. When you can't remember the last time you went to a party, it is clearly time to party.

As for your husband's costume, my suggestion is Roman Centurion.

I'm not sure why, but that's the first thought to pop into my head.

bubbles said...

I don't know anything but will continue to think on it......hhmmmm maybe something with a pink bandana.

Rae Ann said...

I'm no good at making up costumes. Maybe a pirate? He could put a bandana on his head and make an eye patch or something. Oh, I'm so lame! Chris's idea is good. I'm sure you'll be fine. I'm an introvert too.