Monday, October 31, 2005

Trick or Treating

Trick or treating was a giant success. It is our first year back in town (we tried living in the country for a couple of years). Who knew our own tiny suburban neighborhood would be so good for trick-or-treating? My 8 year old was catwoman, and my toddler was Tinkerbell. Our neighborhood is only two streets (both cul de sacs), but by the end Tinkerbell's pumpkin was over half full! We didn't have to even get the car out.

I will post pictures in a day or two.

Haunted House


Chris said...

I took my daughter out trick-or-treating tonight and we had so much fun. We're in a pretty dense New Jersey suburb, so we had plenty of houses. Her little pumpkin was filled in no time!

SierraBella said...

Can't wait for the pictures!

Rae Ann said...

Maybe next year we'll come to your neighborhood! The one we went to was full of rude people trick or treating out of their cars.