Monday, December 26, 2005

Christmas shopping and wierd dreams.

Well, here it is the day after Christmas and am I out hitting all the clearance sales? Hell no, I haven't even made it out of bed! I'm only online because hubby left his laptop in the bedroom. I've had a tummy ache ALL NIGHT. And my little one has a cold, complete with a small fever, so she was in the bed kicking my already pained tummy. I would have gone to the couch, but I felt I should be near a bathroom, just in case.

I had a really weird tummy-ache induced dream last night. I was in a car with these people, and they stopped to pick up someone, but I totally freaked, grabbed one of the girls cell phone and bolted from the car. Then I was running down this really nasty dirty area looking for some people I know, I called them on the cell phone to find out where they were. I had to go back through the nasty dirty area where I distinctly remember seeing a dead kitten!

Then I needed to cross a short bridge but for some reason I was under it. There was a kitty there looking at another dead kitty. The dead one was really gross. I barely looked. The live one was rather large and orange with black points and blue eyes. I carried it across the little bridge and away to where I was meeting the friends. But I left him outside their apartment, because the don't have kitties. For some reason I knew he would wait.

That is where the dream ends, or shifts, or I just don't remember. Isn't that wierd? A few relevant facts: I have two kitties, one tuxedo colored black and white and an orange tabby. They are both rather large kitties 13 lbs each but they are slim, not an ounce over wieght. So real life was probably blurring a little in the dream. It is still wierd, and it was very vivid.

My tummy seems to be feeling better, maybe I will make it out to shop after all!


Sar said...

Aw, I hope you feel better soon dear Kat. My little one has the same thing as yours. So sad, but at least she wasn't sick for Christmas.

That was a bizarre dream. I dream all the time and they're so vivid. Sometimes I wake up and feel like that's the dream. I swear I inspired the Matrix.

Michael Lehet said...

I've been having weird dreams too, but it's because of medication, it's sorta freaky because I dream ALL the time now.