Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Today is my friend Bubble's birthday. In honor of her birthday, I have assembled some very fine eye candy. Enjoy!

First off, one of her favorites Matthew McConaughey.

Next, another hottie I know she likes, Michael Weatherly from NCIS (and once upon a time Dark Angel).

Michael Weatherly again. (Ok, so he's one of my favorites!)

I know I have some male readers out there, so for the guys....

Michael Weatherly with Jessica Alba!


bubbles said...

Awesome! Thank you! That is one of the best gifts a girl can get....yummy eye candy! Thank you thank you!!

Sar said...

Happy birthday Kat's friend Bubbles! Damn, Kat, you're a good friend, that was some tribute.

Michael Lehet said...

Thanks for all the Michael Weatherly's, he's a hottie.

But who's that b*&^ch in the last one? Has she been talking to my man, don't make me snap that weave offa her head!

Xmichra said...

I must be outta the loop cuz i had no idea who that guy was.

But happy birthday to Kat's friend Bubbles!!