Thursday, December 22, 2005

Tap Class

After having my digital camera for almost two years, I have figured out the software! I spliced several sections together and added music. It is my oldest's tap class, the music I added is "Santa Baby", by Madonna. I have spent two days trying to get this to upload to the internet. It wouldn't work for You Tube after I fixed it up and I couldn't get the videos from my camera software to work on Windows Movie Maker. So I found a new location for it. I think you have to have Quicktime for this to work, you can download it free here.

Well, what are you waiting for? Go see my video!

1 comment:

Xmichra said...

I couldn't get it to work for me, and I have the player.. but i don't think i requires since it is not a downlad.. but I am unsure. Still.. I saw the first two seconds, and boy is your daughter tall!!