Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Letting go

I won't be around here much anymore. This place here isn't what it used to be. It's just a sad reminder of it. I'm too tired to keep up with it. I miss what it was, and I'm afraid it will never be that way again.

I thought about just deleting it and my gmail account and just disappearing. I've thought about doing that a lot over the last few months. But there are too many people here I would miss. And I think I even have a lurker I haven't met yet. If you are too shy to comment, email me. I think there's a link to do that on my profile page. I'd like to meet you.

I will still try to read other blogs and comment occasionally and I'll try to post a few times a month. You guys can also email me anytime if you want to. :)

I leave you for now with Alanis Morrisette. I'll try to change that out at least once a month. Most likely whatever song is stuck in my head at the moment I change it. ;)


Michael Lehet said...

Come back soon Kat!

Osbasso said...

Sorry to hear your not happy with things. But it does seem silly to keep going if you're not. I hope you do lurk a bit yourself, and maybe pop in for a comment or two!

GERBEN said...

I will always be around hon. I hope to see you from time to time. ((hug))

I love Alanis.

Kelli said...

I'll miss you Kat...*Big Hug*

Thank you for not deleting.

Xmichra said...

Well you know if you ever want to do a guest post or something.. just e-mail me!! I have plenty of room for you. Always. :)

Take care of yourself, come back when you can (even if it's under a different name) and please still stop by! I will miss you!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with anne, thank you for not deleting.
It always leaves me feeling a bit empty when a fellow blogger decides to do it.
I've enjoyed blogging with you kat, reading the events in your life, your HNT's and your wonderful stories.
You are a ray of sunshine and always bring a smile to my face when I log in and see you've left a comment.
Thank you kat.

ghartstein said...

I know what you mean...about a year ago, we were part of a vibrant circle of continual back and forth blogging. Unfortunately, time and life happen - and through it I"m still trying to get one a week up. I hope you'll stick around and at least visit. Your post will definitely be missed!

Chuck said...

hey lady, i don't come around much, i stumbled onto a bunch of bookmarks that i had forgot about (my bad) i think about disappearing all of the time and then i talk myself out of it, if you do slip away you may never know who will miss you, i liked the halloween pictures of you and your girls, it would be nice to see you all again next year, whatever you choose to do, take care of yourself. peace.

Chuck said...

thanks for the song

Anonymous said...

You'll be missed. :)

Miz BoheMia said...


Oh no!

I will miss you my friend and you know where to find me if ever you need anything!!! Don't disappear!!!

Rae Ann said...

Kat, wow, I was just about to do a similar post. There must be something in the air or the planets or something. You can email or call me anytime. I'm still not sure if I can break away from blogging, but a break is probably imminent. We'll miss you! I hope things get much better for you!

Sar said...

Osbasso's right. When a hobby becomes a chore and not fun, it's time to make adjustments.

Much happiness to you in cyber and real life, Kat. I'll look forward to your occassional updates and don't be a stranger at The Brawl because you and your clever funny comments would be missed. :)

Katie McKenna said...

Be good to yourself!

Thank you for sharing.

Smurf said...

Wow. I am sorry to hear about it. I hope this isn't a permanent thing.