Sunday, November 20, 2005

It's a boy!

Last night I had to go to a dinner hubby's company was giving. It was longish and mostly boring. A bunch of security police officers aren't the most exciting group of folks. Half of them are ex-military. Well, the company loves to give away door prizes and every couple was given a ticket at the beginning of the dinner. When dessert was served, they started giving the prizes out.

The first one was a radar detector. Big deal. Then they pulled up an iPod Shuffle. My interest perked a bit. Someone else won it. I told Jeff, "I want one of those", he said they had five. The second iPod goes to another guard. So then I stare intently at my ticket saying "iwannaanipod iwannaanipod iwannaanipod". Guess which number was next!! So hubby went to retreive my prize. He pointed out that technically, it was HIS prize. I pointed out that he didn't have to put on pantyhose for this dinner, I did, therefore, it is MY iPod. He didn't have an arguement for that.

So, I get the iPod home, and I'm trying to find the directions and it mentions ISB connector. I know what that is, but isn't there supposed to be a cord? I refer to the diagram, and then realize you take the bottom off the iPod, and voila, there is the connector. It looks like this:

When I first pulled the USB cap off I proclaimed "IT'S A BOY!!" Ok, I know, corny humor. But I still named him Viktor. And I now refer to my computer where I plug him in as Nadia.

I know, I really need to get out more. But isn't he cute!?!?!?


Xmichra said...

haha, I think it's funny too!! Viktor huh?? and Nadia? Are you a russian at heart?? heheh

Kat said...

Perhaps I am a bit Russian. Viktor just popped in my head, and Viktor and Nadia sounded good together. lol.

Mike said...

Does he have all of his "Parts"? Very cool that you got that as a door prize! I never win anything!

Michael Lehet said...

Congratulations to you and Viktor!

You're going to be very happy together.

Rae Ann said...

Cool! That's so funny that you named him. LOL