Monday, November 14, 2005

Pictures from Halloween!

In this picture I was trying to capture my Halloween decorations with candlelight. In the process, I seem to have created an accidental alter to the goddess Bastet. She stays on the mantle year round, but always seems to manage to become the center of attention.

This is what the decorations look like with light. Lots of pumpkins, bears in costume, and witches.

The girls as Catwoman and Tinkerbell.

Little B finally out for her first Trick-or-Treat!


Chris said...

Awww! What a couple of cuties! And I love the altar effect. Makes me want to return my own pagan altar to a place of prominence in my house, rather than the corner of the office it's been shunted to.

How did little B like trick or treating for the first time?

And where are the pictures of your gypsy costume?

Kat said...

I forgot to get pictures of myself in the gypsy costume. My husband is supposed to be getting his partner to email some to me she took. I will post them as soon as I get them!

Erin said...

So cute! Love the mantel!

Rae Ann said...

the 'alter' looks really cool! What cute girls you've got!

Amy said...

B was almost 2 b4 her first trick or treat?!?!?! for shame!