Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Room number 2

Here is room number two. It is a three year old boys room. It already had an existing chairrail so the plan was brown on the top, red on the bottom. This boy is a huge Spiderman fan, and the red looks very spidermanish.

Bubbles and I removed the wallpaper. It took HOURS.

Wallpaper off, next was cleanup. After this we called it a night.

Bubbles, her parents, and hubby painted the top brown. I came over later, and helped with the red. Here is me getting started.

My kids waiting for their daddy to pick them up.

I haven't transferred all the pictures from my camera yet. I will post a picture of Room number two after we finished tomorrow. I am also planning a post of what the guys did to the living room.


Mike said...

You guys are buys eh, Wanna do some painting for me?

Angela said...

wow that's a lot of work. But looking very nice.:) I like your blog btw. I ran across it via another one.

bubbles said...

I HATE WALL PAPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!