Saturday, July 22, 2006


I saw this over at Xmichra's and thought it looked fun.

kathryn is lonely
kathryn is a silly moose
kathryn is a crazy person
kathryn is on vacation just now
kathryn is a licensed cosmetologist and massage therapist in the state of florida
kathryn is here
kathryn is strong through her gentleness
kathryn is a writer living in melbourne
kathryn is the killer with the heart of gold
kathryn is a great teacher
kathryn is collecting a small stash of toys
kathryn is also gorgeous

Go here to try it for yourself.

1 comment:

Tamarai said...

OK - I did that with Tanya and this is a bit bizarre:

tanya is beauty personified (I like that one)

tanya is licking a pussy of a very pretty lesbian near the water (!!!!)

tanya is a very big 12 year old (this is quite true because I am told I am a big kid)

tanya is 100% certified by the fucknetwork (am I? really??)

tanya is beauty personified (we like the flattery - keep going)

tanya is inserting her fingers into her vagina and bob is inserting his one into her asshole (ouch. No. never gonna happen.)