Sunday, August 13, 2006

Natural Wonders

Tonight I was watering my flowerbeds and right over the Zinnias a little hummingbird suddenly appeared. It hovered for a moment, then zipped off, as if suddenly aware of how close it had come to a human encounter. It reminded me of a couple other little things.

Last week I was in a rather evil mood and taking it out on my yard. One of the chores I had to get done was dragging the pieces of the girl's old swing-set up front to put them in the back of hubs truck. The theory is that eventually I will drive the truck to the dump and get rid of it. Anyway on one trip I bent over to pick up another piece and there was the prettiest yellow feather with black on it. It made me pause, and part of my bad mood evaporated.

The other little event I thought of happened in New York. I can't believe I forgot to blog about it. When we were down in the subway waiting for it a little white butterfly went by. It was so odd to see it down there. I felt special to get to see it.


Tamarai said...

Sometimes we need to be reminded that life is not all blackness and pain, that in the most unexpected places we find hope. I think the universe is pinging a few messages your way - only you know what they mean for you. Be open to the message.

~ good girl ~ said...

Oh Kat, I totally get it. These little things of serendipity, of beauty and tiny wonders. It makes one pause and go, "It'll be ok. It'll all be ok somehow."

I crave these incidents :-)

GG xo

Rae Ann said...

Wow, you've had some real magical visitors! In shamanic traditions hummingbird medicine is joy and gentleness. Butterflies represent transformation and growth, and seeing one in a strange place is especially powerful. And feathers are very important gifts. It is said that finding a feather is a message directly from God or the 'Great Spirit' reminding you that you are being cared for. Congratulations! Oh, and it was probably a yellow finch feather or an oriole. I'll look up if that has any specific meanings.

Anonymous said...

what great observations and thoughts about little things which we often overlook.
Thank you.:)

Kelli said...

I love those little moments...they are little reality checks to me..reminders that it really aint so bad.