Wednesday, September 20, 2006

One of the poems we studied

Cups of Jade
Author unknown

Where the lotus pool
Is fragrant with flowers,
We drank our last farewell
From cups of jade.

You thought I shunned you
When I, quickly turning,
Hid my face from you,
And would not look again.

Being but a man,
How could you know, beloved,
That it was to wipe
The scalding tears away?

~The really neat thing about this poem is that it was written in the Tang Dynasty. But it still makes sense today. I fell in love with it the first time I read it.


Tamarai said...

That's a fantastic poem and I agree it is still relevant. FAB!!!

Lola Starr said...

Awesome poem and yes, very relevant! :)

Rae Ann said...

Wow, that is great! Just goes to show that men and women haven't really changed much in all these years. Men are still mostly oblivious. ;-)

bubbles said...

i have read that one before. I liked it too...although for different reasons I ma sure. Odd you chose this song to play while the poem is up.....Have a great day!

Sar said...

Thanks for sharing that poem. Simple yet volumous.

Xmichra said...

that is a remarkable poem. No wonder you loved it so. Makes alot of sense and relation.