Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Missing Blogger

Ok, so I haven't been blogging much lately. You see I saw this movie Serenity on DVD. I had seen the trailer at the beginning of another movie and meant to see it in the theater, but didn't make it back and forgot about it. So I finally saw it. Very good if you are into SciFi, space ships, but no aliens.

But on with my story. Chris clued me into the fact that there was a whole short-lived series that goes with the movie. Being the good geek that I am, I had to see it. I actually looked for it before I saw Serenity but couldn't find it. Then, last week when I was trading my movies at Blockbuster, I found it. So I have been using most of my evenings watching it. I am up to disk 3! It is really good. It is called Firefly, and it is taking up most of my spare time.

Also, I know I need to update my links, some of my favorite places aren't on there yet! If you aren't there and I visit you a lot, I'll probably get you there soon.


Xmichra said...

I watched firefly religiously until they cancelled it! That's why I watched serenity.. which tied things up nicely since there was no end to the series.. it just got cut off. I don't know why really, I remember hearing that Joss wheton just didnt' want to do it anymore (the director, also of Buffy and Angel fyi)... but I don't know the real scoop. i suppose I could google it.. but that would take all the mystery out of life!
Remember the good ol days when someone would tell you something and you would just believe it.. or tell someone else what you heard but didn't actually look for refrence??

Anonymous said...

methinks by the time hubby returns you will have seen every DVD at blockbuster.....twice!

Sar said...

Yes, I know Chris is a huge fan of firefly & Serenity. He's also really good at getting you hooked on a show. He got me into Alias.

Btw, your template is very pretty.

Chris said...

I am the TV pusher. Come on, you know you want to watch it. All the cool kids are watching it. ;)

I am so glad you're enjoying Firefly so much, Kat. It really does get under your skin, doesn't it?

Xmichra, there's a whole big story on why the show died, despite the rabid fanbase. The very short version of the story is, "It was on FOX, and they love to cancel good shows and replace them with crap."

bubbles said...

ok so I knew where you had been bc I have actually had to use the phone to talk to you! LOL!! THe new song on the side is very catchy.....my youngest loves it and has been clapping his hands to the beat!

Kat said...

The song playing right now is one of my two-year-old's favorite songs. She dances and puts her hands in the air whenever it comes on!

Xmichra said...

chris- that is too funny! I had hear that one too. .but I never actually know if any of that stuff is true!!
Something else cool about firefly? The lead dude Nathan Fillion.. well he went to school in Edmonton, and graduated with one of my friends(rob) AND he is also the cousin of one of my other pals (Valerie) AND I used to think he was an ass (but it was actually his g/f at the time.. silly mix up). There's something for ya!!

Pseudo-intellectual lunatic said...

inice blog

Rae Ann said...

I like the new template!

word ver. = tvprqst (seriously!)