Wednesday, February 22, 2006

My Interview

Chris posted these interview questions over at his blog after I volunteered. If you want to try it yourself, the rules are at the bottom of this post.

1. What is the weirdest thing you've ever done? And by weird, I mean, you told someone about it and they looked at you and said, "Dude, that is f***ed up." The weirdest thing I can think of is when we went to buy a house. We just decided one day, lets not build a house here in the middle of nowhere, lets go back to town. Without even thinking we dropped the kids off at Bubble's place and looked at 2 or 3 houses. We made an offer on one that day. Now, I am usually not that impulsive. But this house (the one I live in now) just seemed perfect. It was MY HOUSE. I lived in this area before (another neighborhood mile down the road) about 12 years before, and loved the area. My current neighborhood wasn't even built then. The road has completely changed since then. I remember thinking then that I was where I was supposed to be and was a bit surprised when I ended up moving. Little did I know I would be back.

2. What did you want to be when you grew up? Well, that changed about every other month. Veterinarian and journalist were most popular with me when I was a kid. In the back of my head I always wanted to do something with music. I really wanted to dance, I love dance. Playing an instrument would have been next, but I never had the opportunity to take any sort of lessons. I love to sing, but have never been brave enough to do it in front of people.

3. What would make you truly happy? Aside from the obvious (happiness and health for your children, etc) I want to know what would make you truly happy. And it's okay to be selfish in your answer. This one is a hard one. The one I have spent the most time on. What would make me happy? It would be interesting to find out what those that know me, or think they know me would answer for me. I'm pretty sure people try to make me more complicated than I am. The answer is pure and simple. Love. Given and received. Not obsession or possession, but simple, open, honest love. I'm really a simple girl.

4. If you could go back in time and change one thing about your own life and one historic event, what would they be and why? One thing about my life, that would have to be not standing up for myself as a teen. I should have stood up to my stepmother and father. They treated me unfairly and even if standing up to them didn't change things, at least I would know I tried. One historic event? There are so many to choose from.

5. Have you changed as a person through blogging? If so, how? I am more confident about myself, much less shy than I used to be. Online and off. I would never have let someone read what I have written before, now I post it for the whole world to see. I have, and still am discovering who I am, apart from my family. I'm not just T's mom, or J's wife. I am a person of my own.

These are the official rules to interview.
For those of you who may want to be interviewed in this fashion, here are the Official Interview Games Rules:

If you want to participate, leave a comment below saying, "interview me".
I will respond by asking you five questions - each person's will be different.
You will update your journal/blog with the answers to the questions.
You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.


Chris said...

Yay! See? I knew you had some weird in you. Going out and buying a whole house on a whim is pretty f***cked up, dude. ;)

And thank you for the rest of your answers. I now know a little bit more about you, and that's really what this game is all about, right?

I can't wait to see who signs up to play next!

Xmichra said...

great answers Kat! i think you and I have a lot more in common than I had thought.. hehe.
We bought our house on a whim as well. It was a timing issue (where we were looking for a lace anyways) but we just saw this house, no ohter, and bought it.
I also wavered in my youth between animal sciences (vet) and journalizm..AND I love to dance (still do) AND I would have loved to play the piano.

very trippy!

bubbles said...

nicely done! Thank you chris for making her do this!

Rae Ann said...

Interview me! I hope I can come up with as good answers as you! The one about love was really good.

Anonymous said...

those are great answers kat, I love the one about the house.

Xmichra said...

hey Kat, not that you need another blog roll.. but TN chick has a blog roll for Tennessee people. It you don't have her linked you can always get to her from the link on my side bar. Just thought youmight be interested :)

Sar said...

I loved your answers. This sounds like fun! Want to interview me? *she asks with mild trepidation*