Saturday, February 18, 2006

What to do when your heat isn't heating

1. Fiddle with the thermastat a couple of times.

2. Stand in a chair to see if the air coming from the vent is hot or cold.

3. If the air coming out is cold, curse it quietly.

4. Turn off heat and climb into the attic to look at the furnace.

5. Read and follow intstructions on the furnace carefully

6. When having trouble finding where the d**n pilot light is, curse loudly.

7. Go to the internet and google to find better instructions.

8. Climb back into the attic when you realize you need the freakin' model number.

9. Find and print manual.

10. Climb into the attic once again with the manual.

11. Curse the f**king furnace when the f**king diagram doesn't even resemble it!

12. Spend five minutes looking for where the actual pilot light is.

13. Once you find it, curse it for not being in the proper place, then follow lighting instructions carefully.

14. Once back in the house turn heat back on, when the air coming out of the vent is warm, go blog about your f**king experience.

15. Replace furnace with electric one before next fall.


SierraBella said...

Good job!
I've got all-electric, and stuff still goes wrong!
Who knew you needed to change the filters more than once a year?

Chris said...

And now you have heat again, because of your mad internetting skills, cleverness and persistence. Way to kick-ass.

Xmichra said...

that's awesome! You didn't have to call anyone (especially of male influence) and was all independant and shit! Woo-hoo Kat! *dance of joy for Kat*

bubbles said...

Nicely done!

Rae Ann said...

Hey, my husband is a heat and air conditioning man. If you need anything email me!

Anonymous said...

great job kat and I bet mr.kat is proud of you too.

purplesime said...

How did I miss this post?

That was also my weekend about a month back, or close to it.

And, now it's some time ago, you can laugh about it. Like I did.

Sorry. It was funny.

purplesimon out...