Tuesday, March 07, 2006


I finally felt well enough to spend more time working on my bathroom. I painted around the door and over the sinks. It doesn't sound like much, but it took FOREVER to trim around the counter, door, ceiling, mirror, and light fixture above the mirror. The trim work is done in that area as well as the first coat of paint with the roller. Tonight after NCIS I will trim around the shower and linen closet, put a first coat with the roller in that area, add a second coat around the sink, then hopefully it will be dry enough for the second coat around the shower. I'm almost done! The cabinets need a fresh coat of white as well as the baseboards and doors, but that is simple stuff I can finish up in a couple of days. I am going to shop for a new medicine cabinet this afternoon or tomorrow, and I need to clean up some other shelves that go in there, maybe put a fresh coat of paint on them too. I'm so excited! Or maybe just a little high on paint fumes. Whatever!

Go to the post below this one to find out about this week's music theme.


Anonymous said...

glad to hear you are feeling a bit better and tackling your redecoration project.:)

Sar said...

Good for you. Enjoy your hardware high and I'm so glad you're feeling better. I think the bug you had made it's way here. The girls and I are a bunch of sickies.