Sunday, March 12, 2006

Life interrupting

I have been so busy this weekend. Saturday started with tap class for the oldest. Then we had to kill an hour before going back for an hour long meeting about the upcoming recital. Between both tap and ballet rehearsals, we are going to be busy every weekend for all of April and May. So after the meeting we rushed over to T's school where they were having Spring Fling. That is where the PTA of T's school set up games and stuff which take tickets which we buy to collect money. It's a brand new school, and the playground equipment which was only installed last week needs to be paid for. I always thought that was the county's job, but hell, what do I know.

Anywho, we didn't get home until after 2 and poor little B was just exhausted, her nap is usually noon at the latest. The rest of the day was spent resting from the first of the day.

So this morning I get up to take the kids to church because I'm supposed to. Right? We haven't been in a couple of months and I've run out of good excuses. So we get up, get ready, go. B stays in the nursery all of ten minutes before I'm told she is crying her eyes out and wants her Momma. So I go get her. I then spend most of the next hour telling T (who is old enough to know better) to "shush!" and trying to keep B sitting still (yeah right, SHE'S TWO!). So I'm wondering, why am I there??

After church we have time to change and eat lunch before going off again to a makeup tap class. They missed one week because of the weather and we needed to make up the time. Once again poor little B didn't get her nap until after 2. Hopefully things will move a little slower next week. And Sunday has officially become the day we sleep late!

On a sidenote, now that Chris has put up his interview for Rayna I feel guilty for not doing all the interviews I was supposed to do. So I will try to work on those this week. Rae Ann let me off the hook because I was sick for a while, but I will still do it if she wants me to. I am supposed to do one for Rayna and one for Sar. So, there's something to look forward to!


Erin said...

Wow. That is a busy weekend. I hope you guys had a calm evening!

truckdriver_sefl said...

Dang girl life is busy huh? :-}

bubbles said...

no one told me life would be so hectic when i got pregnant. THey just smirked and said congratulations! Now I know! BTW I thought you would be pleased to hear that i actually like this one of Madonna's! LOL!

Xmichra said...

Okay, I may not be the best athority on this matter... but screw church. You are busy, you have a lot on your late, and I am sure what ever god you pray too knows that and wouldn't make you go somewhere at a set time just so that you can praise him or her. I may not be certain where I am in my beliefes.. but I am sure it has nothing to do with a watch or calender.

*ahem*.. now, on to more stimulationg things..hehe. Hope you and your munchkins get a time out here... when life goes so quick it is hard to sit back and enjoy it!!

Anonymous said... wore me out..I need a nap, a very long nap followed by an ice cold glass of fresh lemonade with lots of ice.:)

Anonymous said... wore me out..I need a nap, a very long nap followed by an ice cold glass of fresh lemonade with lots of ice.:)

Angela said...

Busy bee aren't ya? :-). Even though it was tough at church, I dunno maybe God thought ya needed to be there for a bit. :-)

Chris said...

Damn. Your weekend sounds like some of mine have gone recently. No wonder I haven't seen much of you online lately. Ah well, the little monkeys are worth it, aren't they? ;)

Rae Ann said...

You're so busy! You're still off the hook on the interview, unless you just really want to do it. lol Seriously, I totally understand. Things will get a little easier as your youngest gets a little older.

Sar said...

Oooh I forgot about this. I'd totally be up for it but only if your schedule permits.