Friday, March 17, 2006

Movie night

Tonight was movie night for me. I actually rented a couple of movies several nights ago, but only felt like watching one tonight. So Charlie and I snuggled on the couch with a comfy blanket and watched the newest Harry Potter movie. Although I don't know how anyone who hasn't read the books manages to keep up with what is going on. So much is left out. But, if you are a Harry Potter fan and haven't seen it yet, go get it. The kids they have playing the characters are so great at it. Whoever originally cast them was a genius.

1 comment:

Chris said...

I love the new one too. And I hear there's some more great casting in the works for the next one. I think the movies, especially this one, do a good job trimming the plot down to its most essential elements. So, really, anyone who hasn't read the books doesn't know they're missing anything. :)