Thursday, May 25, 2006

I'm Pissed Off

I don't know if I've mentioned it but hubs is in for two weeks. He has done an awesome job of taking over the responsibility of the kids for the time he has been here. I get to sleep in late, be lazy. And why is he being so sweet and caring? Well, duh! Because he's horny of course!

Tonight he went out to meet up with some of his buddies. So here I sit alone. You would think I would be used to this by now. But I'm SICK of it. So what am I going to do about it???

Beats the hell out of me.

Maybe I should kick the internet habit and actually go out and meet real people. I'm on this thing way too much. I lurk through all my regular blogs, then go through peoples links when I run out of that. I'm on here way too much. I used to scrapbook, now I just diddle here. Maybe I should just quit blogging. Disappear into the real world.

Could someone tell me where you go to meet real people?


bubbles said...

well maybe not quit totally but a little break never hurts. Lots of people are doing

Day by Day said...

The last time I checked... I am real? But I could be a figment of my imagination...

But... I do know what you mean... I blog to much myself...

Xmichra said...

ouch. Kat, i can not help you there. I blog way to much. But, i don' think that is your problem. I won't make my point in here... but I think you know what your problem actually is, and now you are feeling guilty because the computer was likely used as a come back. But this is just a guess.

truckdriver_sefl said...

Hmmmmmmmmmm.........good question.

Rae Ann said...

I'm real and I'm not too far if you ever want to bring the kids and hang out. Just a thought, no pressure. I blog too much too. :-)