Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Random crap that probably only makes sense to me

I have a lot to say, and nothing to say. This is going to be one of those big rambling posts with no point in mind. I probably won't get a Fiction Friday out for a couple of weeks. I know I left the last story dangling, and I really didn't mean to, but I have a lot going on right now. There are only two weeks left of school for T. We have field day on Friday, award day sometime next week, and some project coming up due too. Also her dance classes are doubled up with rehearsals and such because her recital is the last Saturday of the month. And my baby sis is graduating this Friday night. Yay her! My husband is actually going to be home for all of that. I'm sure we will squeeze some family visits and day trips to the mountains in there too. He's in for two weeks.

Next topic of discussion, Half-Nekkid Thursday. This week is the Anniversary of the first one, and Osbasso has given us instructions for a special HNT. After this one I won't be posting them regularly. I am still going to leave the little button on the sidebar and I will occasionally put something up when the mood hits me, but it isn't going to be a regular thing. Many reasons why, I doubt I will share them. Cuz it's my blog, and I don't wanna.

But I have some good news! I found my thumb rings. I missed them. I am still missing my Bastet ring though. I haven't worn them in a while and can't remember where I put them. I have had cats long enough to know you don't just lay jewelry around so I tend to tuck it inside this box or that. (I have trinket boxes EVERYWHERE!) Unfortunately I haven't figured out where that particular ring is tucked. I know she isn't lost, just hiding. Ok, enough rambling for today.


Unknown said...

I found my Debit card. Now if I can find my car keys and readers glasses case I'll feel better!

bubbles said...

I think I knew all of this. Hubby coming home huh?!! Oh wait I knew that too....I know how excited you are!

Xmichra said...

well that sucks about fiction friday! But i understand, you need to have time to write.. and sometimes that just ain't gonna happen :)

Glad that you get to spend some quality time as a family Kat, and congrats to your sister!!

Tamarai said...

Rings, I have discovered, like to be found when they're ready. I've found a piece of jewellery I thought I lost in South Africa out here in the UK. VERY weird....