Thursday, May 25, 2006


I'm going offline. I don't know for how long. Maybe a week, maybe just a few days. I might check my email tomorrow, but that's it. I may not even do that. The internet eases my loneliness, but it's just an illusion.


Sar said...

Kat, it's a hard balance to find. But you're right to try and prioritize your real life over getting lost in the vortex of blogsphere. That said, make the most of your time offline and know that while you're not visibly present, you are appreciated and missed nonetheless. :)

ghartstein said...

The internet is a tool at best and a toy at worst. Enjoy life and come back when you're ready. It ain't goin' nowhere!

Kelli said...

*hug* sweetie..

Xmichra said...

Well that sucks. i am not gonna sugar coat it. I will miss you Kat, come back soon!!

truckdriver_sefl said...

what xmichra said!!

Rae Ann said...

What sar and the others said!

Rae Ann said...

I know this is short notice but there's an 'open' photo show in Kingsport next month. The drop off for it is today and tomorrow (Fri and Sat). If you'd like more info email me. I've put stuff in the last two years. You've had some really nice photos here.

Miz BoheMia said...

Wow Kat! You will be missed but you are doing the right thing... you need to put yourself first... I had to cut down too and tend to my life as well... sending you good luck vibes and many hugs!

bubbles said...

don't really know what to say. At least I know where you live and if you ignore me for too long i will just come and hunt you down and stalk you. I have said it before and I will say it again. I am glad that you admitted it alloud AND that you gave everyone here a warning. When and if you need me you know where and how to find me. Until then....

Hale McKay said...

I hope your sabbatical is fruitful. Take care of yourself.